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Awards and mentions

We are grateful for the recognition of our work

Our work and results have been noticed and we have been honored with various recognitions, both individually and as a group. Amongst them, we can highlight the National Research Award of the Ministry of Science and Innovation; the 1st Offshore Wind Energy Award the Wind Energy Corporates Association (AEE, in its Spanish acronym); the Leonardo Torres Quevedo Engineering Innovation National Award, of Fundación Caminos of the Spanish Society of Civil Engineers, and the Sustainable Water Management Award of Fundación Botín.


Leonardo Torres Quevedo Engineering Innovation National Award, Fundación Caminos.

Íñigo Losada

Leonardo Torres Quevedo National Research Award in Engineering.


Fundación Botín National Water Sustainable Management Award.


Offshore Wind Energy Award.

Paula Desiré

Awards of the University of Cantabria Innovation Chair to the best Bachelor’s Thesis.

Awards and mentions

We are grateful for the recognition of our work

Our work and results have been noticed and we have been honored with various recognitions, both individually and as a group. Amongst them, we can highlight the National Research Award of the Ministry of Science and Innovation; the 1st Offshore Wind Energy Award the Wind Energy Corporates Association (AEE, in its Spanish acronym); the Leonardo Torres Quevedo Engineering Innovation National Award, of Fundación Caminos of the Spanish Society of Civil Engineers, and the Sustainable Water Management Award of Fundación Botín.


Leonardo Torres Quevedo Engineering Innovation National Award, Fundación Caminos.

Íñigo Losada

Leonardo Torres Quevedo National Research Award in Engineering.


Fundación Botín National Water Sustainable Management Award.


Offshore Wind Energy Award.

Paula Desiré

Awards of the University of Cantabria Innovation Chair to the best Bachelor’s Thesis.


Erasmus+ TRASMARES Project

The Erasmus+ TRASMARES Project of IHCantabria received a positive report which promotes the dissemination of its second edition.

 ACUFLOT Project

The ACUFLOT Project of IHCantabria was elected as outstanding project within the framework of the Pleamar Program.


ENAC compliant, which authorizes environmental, biological, physical and chemical testing.


Erasmus+ TRASMARES Project

The Erasmus+ TRASMARES Project of IHCantabria received a positive report which promotes the dissemination of its second edition.

 ACUFLOT Project

The ACUFLOT Project of IHCantabria was elected as outstanding project within the framework of the Pleamar Program.


ENAC compliant, which authorizes environmental, biological, physical and chemical testing.