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The team at IHCantabria has experienced an impressive growth in 2023 with an increase of over 16% with respect to 2022. This growth is the result of our dynamic approach and ability to attract and retain talent, as well as highlighting our position as leaders in environmental hydraulics. Additionally, we have reinforced our position with a new Work-Life Balance Plan and a new Work Wellbeing Plan to improve the working conditions and work-life balance of our employees, thus proving our commitment to the wellbeing of our team.

Our team in figures




Men and women




Personnel with a doctorate

Hitos relevantes de 2023

16% increase in number of employees in 2023

New Employment Wellbeing Plan

New Work-Life Balance Plan

New Equality Plan

Since I joined IHCantabria back in 2013 I have only had a rewarding experience. The management team’s commitment and the daily effort of everyone here have taken this institution far. Being part of IHCantabria has been rewarding as it has allowed me to grow professionally and personally. I am proud to belong to an institution that invests as much in research as in its valuable human team.

Alexis Benedicto Martín

Thanks to the human team and the technical developments available at IHCantabria, we can cooperate in the research, optimization and validation of various marine renewable technologies that will help materialize the European energy transition of the next few years.

Javier Sarmiento Martínez

Being part of IHCantabria is being a very rewarding experience for me, both in the professional and the personal areas. This is a working environment where science and innovation go hand in hand with human values such as teamworking, generosity or empathy. Belonging to such an inspiring group which unites strengths in order to lead the pace towards a more sustainable future is exceptional and makes me feel very lucky.

Silvia Fernández Rodicio

All my life I have been in touch with nature and work. Here, at IHCantabria I have been given the chance to learn and carry out projects to preserve nature and the planet as we know it.

Lorena Ruiz Prieto

Throughout these years I have seen how the team of IHCantabria has become an unparalleled example of teamwork to me. I feel proud to think that our work in this institute contributes to turning our planet -our home- into a better place for everyone.

Mario García Liaño

The excellent human team and the technical skills of IHCantabria have allowed me to grow professionally and personally, as well as giving me the opportunity of contributing to pioneering research, the development of which is constantly transferred to society in order to attain a more sustainable future.

Ana Julia Abascal