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A sustainable organization

We strive to be a reference in sustainability

IHCantabria, as an entity committed to sustainability, has included this premise in the core of its institutional mission and vision. In all our activities, we strive to be a positive force for the sustainable development of our planet and this commitment becomes clear at our own facilities. In an effort to quantify and reduce our environmental impact, we have measured our direct and indirect emissions. Our direct emissions amount to 37,219 KgCO2e; whereas our indirect emissions reach up to 392,640 KgCO2e, with a carbon footprint ratio of 0.044 KgCO2e/€. We are committed with implementing measures that reduce these emissions and contribute to the mitigation of climate change.


Good Environmental Practice Guides


Direct emissions (Kg CO2e)


Indirect emissions (Kg CO2e)


Carbon Footprint Ratio (Kg CO2e/€)

A committed organization

We contribute to Agenda 2030

IHCantabria is firmly committed to the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 focusing its efforts on ten of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our multidisciplinary focus on the management of water cycle related socioecological systems proves our hope to progress towards a fairer and more sustainable society.

A responsible organization

We are committed to Social Responsibility

As an integral part of our practices, IHCantabria aligns our strategy with Standard ISO 26000:2021. This translates with particular emphasis into Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the environmental management and the prevention of pollution, which are fundamental pillars of our activity. Our Social Responsibility Policy reinforces transparency, commitment with an ongoing improvement and it is demonstrated through performance indicators and proactive reviews. In recognition of the importance of our most valuable asset, our personnel, IHCantabria has allocated over 1 million euros to training. Over 86% of our employees think we are a safe place to work provided with adequate resources. That proves our commitment with professional wellbeing and development.

IHCantabria is proud to keep a safe and ethical working environment. We have not received complaint reports nor serious accident reports, which highlights our commitment with high ethical standards and the safety of our members of personnel. Our commitment with sustainability is more than just an initiative; it is the basis to contribute to build a more prosperous and fairer future for future generations.


Investment in training


Employees who feel safe and using adequate resources


Confirm equal opportunities


Workplace or sexual harassment


Complaint reports


Serious accidents at work